Tuesday, February 16, 2010

First Impressions

And so I have arrived!

It seems like a parallel universe.

We flew in over a semi-frozen sea, with the first glimpses of Svalbard as snow covered peaks tinged pink in the last of the day's sun, and it was before 2pm! It was stunning. I have never seen so much snow and so little development. The coal power station on the way into Longyearbyen from the airport mars it a little, but you soon forget about that when you reach the town. The accommodation I am staying in is a fair walk from the University and shops etc but has a lovely view of the mountains across the water at the end of the valley on the way in. So far I have seen little in real daylight as it got dark shortly after arriving, but the days will get longer and longer as my time here goes on.

I decided to be proactive and gather as many bodies as possible to go straight to the supermarket, and a group of us have organised to cook dinner together tonight. Everyone is really friendly, and I even found a very helpful Canadian who helped us get our macs online, hence me being able to blog already. I have even found a cooking 'buddy' to share food with to keep costs (and heavy backpack loads) down. Food is hideously expensive, but not as bad as the £5 sandwich and £2.50 bottle of water I was forced to purchase at the airport. Thank goodness for the muffin you gave me mum otherwise I may have starved today!

The barrack I am in has smaller rooms than the other I have been into, but wins hands down on the access- ours has steps, the other is so iced in you have to use a rope to climb up the ice sheet to get in the door!! I have a very saggy bed, a large desk, wardrobe, smaller table, comfy chair, bookcase... and even a special rifle lock in the cupboard! I have yet to meet the person I share a bathroom with but I only have to share with the one person which is good.

We have already seen a few reindeer but it was too dark to get a pic. We have seen no other wildlife, but the little kids walking home looked so cute in their snowsuits and high-vis vests. There was even a baby being pulled in a little carriage behind a skidoo! I can't wait to get the camera out tomorrow. The safety course starts on Thursday so I have a whole day to get my bearings.

I shall keep you posted.

Photo from the plane

Ice From Above


Alex Murphy said...

Sounds like the start of something amazing. Don't forget to check out a rifle tomorrow so you can explore.xxx

Rachel said...

sounds like a good start. x